Asparagus and Strawberries with Baergfeuer

White asparagus and strawberries from Swiss fields are in season from May to June and in my recipe together on one plate. Instead of a classic hollandaise sauce, there's a fruity strawberry sauce with red basil and a kick Baergfeuer a Chilli Sauce made in Switzerland.

Baergfeuer Chili Sauce – the fruity hot chilli sauce made from fiery habaneros and spirit vinegar is pleasantly hot, convinces with a fruity taste and is 100% made in Switzerland. Which is why it won the hearts of many top chefs. The small, bright red bottle can be found in Switzerland at Coop, selected Migros branches, Manor, Bettio Comestibles, Jelmoli, Globus, Loeb and Spar as well as at food wholesalers.

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Ingredients | Serves 2
10 pieces White asparagus
500 g
1 bunch Red basil and some leaves for decoration
2 Tbsp Sunflower oil
1 Tbsp White, mild balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp Absinthe
10 drops Baergfeuer chilli sauce or to your liking
  Sugar and salt for seasoning


  1. Peel the asparagus generously to remove the woody fibres.

  2. Wash the strawberries and sort them in roughly equal parts. The pretty, small to medium-sized ones are cut into thick slices, sprinkled with a little sugar and set aside.

  3. Put the large berries for the sauce in a blender – add the red basil, oil and vinegar, absinthe and a few splashes of Baergfeuer – puree everything into a creamy sauce. Season gently with salt and possibly with more Baergfeuer.

  4. In a deep pan bring salted water to a boil. Add the asparagus – tips upwards – and simmer for 12 to 15 minutes on reduced heat.

    Serve | Drain the asparagus well and arrange on preheated plates. Pour the sauce over them and the strawberry slices on top. Decorate with a few leaves of red basil and serve immediately.